I can't believe in a few days Ezra will be one month old. Part of me is thrilled because that means we (and by that I mean 'I') are closer to sleeping through the night again! Another part of me is shocked at how fast this month went, and how quickly this little girl is going to grow.
This adjustment has been fairly easy. I'm just getting used to dirty diapers, burping, rocking, and changing far too many clothes (for both of us) in one day again. I am up two times at night... one late evening feeding (10:30-11pm), and a middle of the night feeding (2-4am). The day time isn't terrible, but I find myself surprised by where all the time went. Ezra eats every three hours during the day, and is still trying to get solid naps in. She is finally becoming a little more content in the swing and bouncer, and is getting pretty good at putting herself to sleep (if only she would stay asleep).
As for Noah, he is doing good. His attitude is getting better. He adores her! He gets mad if she isn't looking at him, he constantly wants to kiss her, and hold her. He is concerned for her when she cries, helps her with a pacifier, makes sure she isn't cold... the list goes on. What an amazing big brother!
I have got a new routine pretty much down, and am feeling more and more rested as time goes on. Okay, I am still in bed at 8pm, barely able to keep my eyes open, but I haven't stayed up past 8pm since before I was married! :)
Ben is back to his usual routine with the addition of getting Noah up in the morning and getting breakfast for him. (What an amazing help! Who knows where I would be right now without him!) He is absolutely crazy about her though! His life has changed a lot too because now we both have one kid to look after... so he is definitely adjusting to a bigger responsibility. :)
For our family... we are moving out of the townhouse anywhere from mid to late June. We are going to rent a house. Something with a fenced yard so Noah can run around outside, a 4th bedroom in the basement for Ben's office, larger living room to accomodate friends, futon and full bath in the basement for visitors (hint hint). We are really excited!
Ezra's milestones:
-Lifts her head and looks around when on her tummy.
-Facial expressions are changing. Creasing her eyebrows, playing with her tongue and mouth.
-More alert and definitely knows how to let me know when she is mad!
-Trying to smile... still a little goofy.
-Scoots herself. (She is always at the top of the crib when I go to get her, and was only inches away from the edge of my bed when I checked on her once!)
We hope everyone is doing well. Happy Memorial Day Weekend! We are headed to Fox Run Park this afternoon for food and fun with friends!

As everyone probably knows, Ezra was perfectly content hanging out in there. I was scheduled for an ultrasound/monitoring session at my 41 week appointment, and Ezra checked out just fine, so they scheduled another session in another week. I guess I was about 41 weeks 3 days at the next appointment, Ezra still checked out just fine, but an induction date was set.
My OB scraped my membranes hoping that labor would start naturally as I was already 4 cm dilated. That evening, as I got into bed I began feeling pretty intense contractions... but they were 20 minutes apart! They got a little closer about an hour later, but they were still 10 minutes apart. After another hour, when they were about 8 minutes apart, I knew we needed to go to the hospital. The contractions were no where near as close as I knew they needed to be, but the pain was very intense.
Before we left I told Ben my birth plan was being thrown out the window. I was all about some pain relief at that point. When we checked in, my contractions were around 5 minutes apart and I was 6 cm dilated. They told me I had to walk around for an hour! That was the worst because when I was up and moving, contractions were coming every 2 minutes or less and were crazy! I think I made it 45 minutes before I wasn't able to walk anymore, so we got into a room. The anesthesiologist was there about 30 minutes later and I was 8 cm dilated. The medication took effect within 20 minutes or so, and it was really nice. Ben and I were able to sleep a bit, and take it easy before the little one came. Unfortunately (as I suspected) my labor slowed way down because of the Epidural, so three hours later when I was still only 8 cm, I was given Pitocin to start it up again. In just over an hour I was ready to push, and Ezra was here 15 minutes after that!
So, how has it been since we've been home?
Overall, not too bad. I have been preparing myself for a break down and thankfully it hasn't come... yet. :) She actually allows us a decent amount of sleep. Usually I get about 4-5 hours at the beginning of the night, then a couple two hour stretches. She will usually have at least one 6 hour stretch between the night feedings, but since we don't get to bed right when she does, we don't get that amount of sleep. The nights haven't been that hard. The day time is what is getting me. Noah is extremely challenging right now with attitude and disobedience, then with trying to schedule feedings for her... makes me feel like I am going crazy sometimes. She also doesn't like the swing, or just laying flat... pretty much wants to be held all the time, and that is difficult too. So we are working on that, but I am getting a little run down with so much crying.
I know this is such a short time in her life, and I am trying really hard to enjoy the middle of the night feedings while they're here. However, I am also excited for solid night time sleep, stable naps, and a content baby too.