Moody Monday's

Posted by Amber , Monday, November 5, 2007 Monday, November 05, 2007

Quick mood change
Originally uploaded by amberaye311
I have officially decided that Monday's are the hardest day of the week for me. The weekends are the best time for Noah because he gets to be held and played with ALL the time by friends and family. Unfortunetly for mom and dad, we have to take care of a real crabby pants on Monday's because we get back into the grove of things and Noah has to have his 'alone time' as I call it. So on Monday's he cries and cries all day until someone picks him up. It is pretty stressful since I have to do laundry and cleaning on Monday's. After Monday, he is fine. He knows he has to spend time by himself and he does a great job entertaining himself. Then the weekend comes again :) Today, he kept getting the bible off the coffee table and chewing on it. I had to dicipline him everytime he did it, and boy was he even more angry. It is really hard to take this new step in parenting. You never know at his age what he understands and what he is still too young for. Geez!! Even on the harder days though, he makes me so happy. He loves snuggling on Monday's :) So when I get the chance to snuggle, I eat it up because any other time he is such a busy body he won't take the time to hug me unless he is tired or just woke up from a nap.

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