The Fire

Posted by Amber , Saturday, December 1, 2007 Saturday, December 01, 2007

The mess
Originally uploaded by amberaye311
Alright, long story....I decided to make some yummy peanut butter chocolate swirl brownies. I heard of this recipe off of the food network, Barefoot Contessa to be exact. I watched her make the brownies and then got the recipe off her website. I thought it wouldn't be a problem. How could I go wrong right? Well, the recipe called to put this HUGE batch of brownies into a sheet pan. I thought that was interesting but I wanted to follow directions. Not until later did I find out that it needed to be 1 1/2 in. deep. So I was originally going to put it into a broiler pan because it was deepest sheet pan we had. My lovely brother and husband we very much apart of it as well, when they said that brownies DONT rise and that putting them in a simple cookie sheet pan would be fine, even though it was filled to the rim with batter. So stupidly I listened to them. After about 20 minutes the oven was smokeing heavily and batter was falling out into the oven. My mom and I tried to solve the problem without ruining the brownies, but that was impossible. Finally the batter started on fire, and the entire oven was flaming. I was so scared. I was yelling "Fire Fire" and luckily my mom just got a fire extinguisher. She gave it to Ben and he saved the day. We had to take Noah outside and open up every window in the house. What a mess it was. Everything smelled like smoke. How horrible! I am thankful no one was hurt and that the damage wasn't worse. But I can say I am a little nervous to bake again.

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