Reading time

Posted by Amber , Thursday, February 7, 2008 Thursday, February 07, 2008

Originally uploaded by amberaye311
I am a big fan of the baby wise series. The most recent book I am reading is actually called "Toddler Wise" but it is the same author. So this book is about raising a well behaved, happy toddler. It is pretty exciting stuff. Noah is still a little young for most of it, but I am enjoying trying new things out. They encourage you to structure you child's day. So they say give them free play time (which means let them choose what they want to do and play with) room time or crib time (where you give them a couple of toys to focus on) and structured play time (where mom or dad chooses the activity). I am giving Noah reading time, and it is too cute. The point is to get your child to sit in one place and focus on something for a little while. Noah lasts about 2 minutes and then he is done, but it will gradually get longer and longer and he starts to enjoy the activity more. After he is done turning pages and looking at it, I will read to him and we have a great time.

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