Wow! Look at him

Posted by Amber , Saturday, April 19, 2008 Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wow! Look at him
Originally uploaded by amberaye311
Noah has turned from being scared and apprehensive of a lot of things to taking on mountains! Well to him anyway. He got up onto his chair the other night. It was a little scary for me, but I had to stop and say to myself.... just let him do it, he needs to do things like this. Anyway, he fell off and hit his head, which I knew would happen. But... after I cuddled him and made him feel better, he was right back over to the chair standing on it again! I couldn't believe how brave he was to go right back to it after it defeated him. He fell again and hit his head again! He went back a third time and I helped him off because I didn't want him hurting himself anymore. Then one last time he got up, fell off, and smacked his head really good and then he was done for the night. A couple days later... he was back up on the chair. I have just realized how determined he is to do certain things regardless of the consequences, and I have learned how much of a boy he really is. I don't think he goes more than two days without getting a bruise on his head or falling pretty good. He is so aggressive now. He isn't a baby! He is a toddler with non stop energy and a mind that is beginning to take him everywhere.

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