Face Plant!
Posted by Amber , Sunday, August 17, 2008 Sunday, August 17, 2008
I knew this would happen! Noah has been testing his "listening to mom" skills along with his "I can do this all by myself" mentality, and that led to a fat lip and bruised body parts.
Noah understands how to go up and down the stairs, but he hasn't used a stair case in a couple months because we have a one level apartment. We are on the upper unit, so we either carry Noah up and down, or hold his hand and he kind of jumps down them. Anytime he approached the stair case outside of our unit, he turned around, got on his hands and knees and went down backwards. Because of this I usually let him walk out of the house by himself while I locked the door. He previously waited for me or would start climbing down the correct way.
Well the other day at the park, he walked up to a step and just walked right off of it. He landed just fine! Then he did it again and fell down and repeated this a few times over again... So I guess he thought he had this walking off of stairs face forward thing under control? NOPE!
Today we were about to take a trip to Walmart and Noah walked out of the house like normal, walked up to the step and I knew he was going for it! I am yelling Noah...Noah...STOP...Noah NO!! Off he went down the first step... and the next and the next! He face planted after falling just three steps. How do you discipline a poor child for being disobedient when they just hurt themselves so badly? :( Poor guy! He cut his lip in two spots. Right on the outside where I am sure the ground cut it, and the inside where I think his tooth dug in. It was bleeding and swollen at first, and now it is a nasty shade of blue/purple and I am sure it is very uncomfortable. I'll tell you what... It led to a day of fussing and complaining! He was way more reserved near the stairs this afternoon when we went out for a walk!