Blog Tag

Posted by Amber , Tuesday, October 21, 2008 Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So I guess there's this new game out there called blog tag. I was tagged and I have to write 6 random facts about myself. So, here goes:

1. I am a HUGE Bronco fan! It started because of my family, but as I have gotten older, I have truly become a fan of football in general. I enjoy learning about what is going on in the league and different players and teams... and it is really fun and exciting to get into each season... even when my home team isn't doing their best.

2. I had a home birth when I delivered Noah, and it was AMAZING! The experience was crazy... we had a birthing tub in our bedroom, and we in the privacy of our own home without pressure. We were able to have Noah smoothly and easily. Our friends and family waited for us downstairs, and we got to go straight to our own bed that night!

3. I met my husband when I was 16 years old, started dating him when I was 17, and married him when I was 18!

4. We have had people living with us, or we were living with people for half of our marriage! 2 years out of 4...

5. I was born and raised in Colorado Springs... the same house! I was in the same city for 22 out of my 23 years.

6. I am a big Harry Potter fan! I check up on a fan news website on a daily basis to see what news comes from the Harry Potter world!

That's it! 6 random facts. I tag Rachel Havel, Lea Hartman, Amanda Crooks, Katie Bauch, Mindy Vaupel, and Annie Easterling!

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