More videos

Posted by Amber , Friday, November 28, 2008 Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your day. We definitely did! Lots of food and games and relaxing. It was very nice.

I have a couple videos of Noah just being Noah. This is what he is up to these days. Sorry they are long and somewhat boring, but it is pretty much all I can get from him. He isn't into performing for the camera, so I just have to film his normal activities.

He watches me vacuum and is really interested in what the heck the vacuum does. So he uses his popper toy to pretend like he is vacuuming. He does it just like me... hitting the furniture and all!

The next video is Noah just being a crazy boy that likes to climb and jump. He was so excited that we were letting him stand on top of the diaper box and jump onto the chair. We usually try to keep him from things that will most likely injure him, but this time we let him have his fun!

Have a great weekend! Ben and I were invited to go to The Nutcracker this weekend! I LOVE ballet's... this is my kind of fun.

1 Response to "More videos"

Paul and Erin Stroup Says:

I think it is so funny that he moved the shoes out of the way to vacuum! So cute.
