How many bruises can the kid get?!

Posted by Amber , Tuesday, January 20, 2009 Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This past week Noah has had a rough time with balance and has multiple face injuries to prove it!

It started with him falling off the stairs. He does this fairly often, but usually ends up fine. This time he fell right into the baby gate and got a pretty big gash in his lower lip. It took a while to heal because he wouldn't stop biting at it.

The following day we were playing outside, and he was running around the grass and the stairs. He was doing just fine. All of a sudden he tried to walk up one stair and missed his step which left him with the bruise/scratch on his left eyebrow, along with two more scratches down the left side of his face.

Today he was in the nursery at church, and when I picked him up he had the big red lump right in the middle of his forehead! Probably rug burn from running and biffing it!

Poor little man! How do you keep a two year old boy from getting injuries if that kid is bound and determined to constantly run at full speed, and challenge himself with things that are way above his age level?

2 Response to "How many bruises can the kid get?!"

Anonymous Says:

Fear not! As the mother of a very active three year old I can tell you with certainty that you are not alone! I have all the photos of Nathaniel to prove it! He does much better not because his balance is so much better but we've had our share of visits to the ER for golf ball sized knots on the head. He'll grow out of it. In the meantime, stock up on bandaids!