My first surgery
Posted by Amber , Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I was hospitalized for the first time in my life yesterday. (Okay, not the first time, but I was only 5 the last time and I hardly remember anything.) It was outpatient surgery, so I was in and out in about 4 hours. Even though the circumstances weren't very nice, (how often are they ever nice though?) I am proud to say I have experienced and gone through a successful surgery.
Ben and I got there and checked in, and almost immediately the nurse called me back for preparations. I answered some questions about medical history and allergies to anything. The anesthesiologist walked me through everything that was going to happen on his end. I wasn't too thrilled about the tube down my throat, but it would all go down while I was under... wouldn't even know it was there! Then I had to change into the gown and lay down on the bed! I was pretty nervous the entire time... sweaty palms and shaking. The next nurse came in and put my iv in. I have never had an iv. I really didn't like that part! The next thing I know, I am saying goodbye to Ben and they are wheelin' me to the O.R. By the time I am in the O.R., I am really panicking... they got me on the operating table and within seconds my anesthesia is going... the next thing I remember I was waking up in the recovery room. The pain was about a 5-6 on the pain scale, so they gave me something for that through the iv. I had two shots in my arm, blood drawn, an iv, anesthesia, plus the actual surgery. There was a lot that went down during that very short amount of time I was there.
They wheeled me back to a room that Ben could come in. I had to eat, drink, and use the restroom before I was allowed to leave. I had that done in no time. Ben and I were discussing how neither of us have experienced anything like this in our lives. You always see stuff like this in movies, but the actual experience is crazy! So now I have done it!
I know what you mean! I still have not had any type of medical procedures but Josh had a surgery just a few months after we were married and it was very interesting to see how everything happened! :)