What the heck?!
Posted by Amber , Monday, March 2, 2009 Monday, March 02, 2009
The other night we went out to eat at one of my favorite restaurants... On The Border! We were all coming down with colds, so after our 20 minute wait we were pretty excited to eat and get out of there!
After our order was placed, the balloon man came walking around near our table. Noah had his little toy Elmo with him at the table, so he walked by us and subtlety said "Oh... I could make an Elmo hat!" When none of the adults acknowledged this, he politely moved on to the next table. Whew!
Uncle Aram spoke up and said, "Hey, why don't you get him a balloon? I have some money." Sure enough, he came back to the table after the other kids were satisfied and said to Noah "Would you like an Elmo hat?"
We gave the guy the go ahead and he began his incredibly tough task of making an Elmo hat... a whole three balloons! Two of which I could have blown up. He drew a couple of eyes and handed it to us.
Well all of a sudden Uncle Aram didn't have that cash he thought he did. So Ben checks his wallet only to see a $1 or $10 bill. Yes... that is right folks, the balloon man got a $10 tip for making us an amazing piece of art! HaHa! It is weird how $10 doesn't seem like that much until it is given away in that kind of situation... the kind where you are thinking "What just happened?"
But hey, we got a happy child out of the whole thing. That makes it okay right? :)
Just a little something extra... I got a video of Noah singing the ABC's. He has this puzzle he does and whenever he finishes it, he sings the song.
Happy Monday to everyone!
for some reason, I can't hear the video on flickr or your blog.