Growth Chart

Posted by Amber , Saturday, June 13, 2009 Saturday, June 13, 2009

Before I went to bed last night, I went in to check on Noah. After readjusting him into a normal position, I noticed how much he has grown since those very first moments he spent in the crib.

We recently got a growth chart from Uncle Aram, but we have already missed the first two years. When I looked back at some pictures we had taken of him sleeping, I realized we have growth chart right there.

Here is our little baby... who is now just a little boy. So big! I measured him at 3 feet tall yesterday!

Here he is right after he was born: (Notice he is probably half the size of the nursing blanket below him)

Probably around 9 months:

Here is the precious now at 2 years: (the crib is probably 6 inches from his head and feet)


Posted by Amber , Sunday, June 7, 2009 Sunday, June 07, 2009

Ben just got his first baseball glove, so we played catch for... geez, I would say 2 hours yesterday! Playing catch is a lot of fun. I haven't 'played' in the yard for a long time. My throwing arm is really sore today. However, I sustained worse injuries during our time playing ball, which I felt is important enough to share.

My brother agreed to play with us a little bit, and he also has a bat, so we thought it would be nice to go to the park's baseball diamond and play some softball. We rotated playing outfield, pitcher and batter.

I was first up to bat with Ben pitching. He couldn't get his underhand pitches right over the plate, so he wanted to try a pitch overhand. I misunderstood him thinking he wanted to use a baseball instead of a softball. So I turned to look for the baseball and by the time I looked back up, Ben had thrown the pitch, which wasn't very accurate either because it hit me right in the head. The force of the hit threw my head sideways into the bat. My whole head felt like it was shaking. I knelt to the ground crying hysterically while Ben ran to see if I was okay. Overall, I was just really scared. I didn't have a headache, and other than some throbbing at the injury site, I felt okay. So I decided to continue playing.

A little while later, Aram was up to bat while I was pitching. I have been practicing throwing with both hands, so when my left hand throws weren't looking very good, I switched to throwing right handed. I don't have a right handed glove though, so I was playing without one... not that I would have caught the ball if I did have one. Anyway, most of his hits went straight into right field, so I wasn't being extra cautious. So I threw a pitch and he hit it as hard as he could. It was coming straight for me, and I couldn't do anything about it. I turned to the side, and it hit me smack in the elbow. I thought my arm was broken! I could still move my fingers and squeeze my fist, so I knew it wasn't broken, but I was in some intense pain. Aram came running over and tried to encourage me to just breathe for a few minutes. Once Ben was there, I had lost it again. I was sobbing, and there was no stopping it.

We ended the game there.

Now I understand why men and women play sports separately. I won't play softball again with boys! They are just too aggressive and rough.

I am pretty bruised, but overall not in any serious danger. My head hurts with just a tiny bit of pressure on the wound, but no headache or anything. My arm only hurts in one position, and again only if the wound is touched.
