Growth Chart

Posted by Amber , Saturday, June 13, 2009 Saturday, June 13, 2009

Before I went to bed last night, I went in to check on Noah. After readjusting him into a normal position, I noticed how much he has grown since those very first moments he spent in the crib.

We recently got a growth chart from Uncle Aram, but we have already missed the first two years. When I looked back at some pictures we had taken of him sleeping, I realized we have growth chart right there.

Here is our little baby... who is now just a little boy. So big! I measured him at 3 feet tall yesterday!

Here he is right after he was born: (Notice he is probably half the size of the nursing blanket below him)

Probably around 9 months:

Here is the precious now at 2 years: (the crib is probably 6 inches from his head and feet)

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