Harry Potter/Twilight

Posted by Amber , Friday, November 20, 2009 Friday, November 20, 2009

I'll go ahead and say I enjoy reading teenage fantasy books. This originally started about 5 years ago when Ben introduced me to Harry Potter. The second movie was about to come out, and he wanted to see it. I honestly thought Harry Potter was a kids movie, and that I wouldn't really enjoy it. Well, before we went to see The Chamber of Secrets, we rented The Sorcerer's Stone. My heart was changed! I loved being brought back into childhood. I loved how the movie made you believe you could light a fire with the flick of a wand, or food would just show up right in front of your face. The story line was good, and I instantly cared about Harry.

After the first two movies were released, I decided to go back and read the books. The fifth book was about to come out as I began that journey, and it was just as wonderful to read the books. I was the big fan then... I wanted to get there opening night for the movie, and wait in line for two hours, then see it again the next day... and buy the DVD when it came out, and watch all of them when I stayed home sick. Then, it was my turn to do some convincing. We had multiple friends that had never seen any of the HP movies... so I coordinated multiple HP marathons! I have to say, those friends did find themselves enjoying HP too. I was in line two hours early for The Half Blood Prince a few months ago, and I intend to do so for the remaining films.

The next series that I got into was The Twilight Saga. Now other than being total fantasies... these two series have nothing in common. Harry is about the constant battle of defeating You Know You, and Twilight is a love story. A very powerful love story! I'm finding it hard to be as crazy about Twilight as I was about HP... here's why.

After I read the series once, I read it again and again! Those books draw us (women particularly) in. A totally selfless, gorgeous man that would fight for you, and would die if you weren't with him...WOW! I fell into the mania, and I was in line for Twilight opening night! However, I was a tad disappointed when they portrayed perfect Edward as not being totally perfect like he should be. Overall, if you like the books, you are forced to enjoy the movie even if the acting was disappointing and it looked totally cheesy. That is why for New Moon the 12:00a.m. showings grossed $26 million in over 3500 sold out shows nation wide. If there are fans of Stephanie's amazingly desirable books... then those fans will support it no matter what!

I am really excited to see New Moon! But as the hype of it coming out has been crazy, I began thinking about a weird feeling of sadness that has overcome me about the series. To start... I am a little embarrassed that I like it. I mean come on, I am a married woman with children! So I didn't want to be with the "silly" girls waiting in line freaking out about how Taylor Lautner's and Robert Pattinson's bare chests are going to make them go crazy. I didn't want to be jam packed in the theater, listening to the giggles, and ooohs and ahhhs every time he did something romantic. I just didn't want to associate myself as one of the millions of girls who is crazy about these 'men'. That is honestly what it is about. Like I said earlier, it is a love story. That is why it is so desirable for women. I love romance movies! I know I will love New Moon even if the acting is sub par again, and if there are cheesy effects. I'm a romantic.

The worst part for me is the little girls that will get their hopes up that if maybe someday... they could just meet Robert or Taylor, they (the boys) will for sure fall in love with them! It brings back many memories of teenie bopper days when I swore that if I could only meet Justin Timberlake, he would marry me. I kid you not, I was 100% serious about marrying that guy! I entered sweepstakes, called radio ads, and did everything I possibly could (at 13) to meet him. Well, it never happened! I read an article about Robert, he was saying when he was signing autographs at the premiere, some girl begged him saying, "What do I have to do to get your attention?!" He said, (jokingly) "Take off your clothes." AND SHE DID IT! She got kicked out of the premiere, and I guarantee you it still didn't get his attention. He probably has no idea what she looks like. 13 year old girls screaming "Robert is my life!"

I know that if I had a 13 year old girl, I don't think I would let her read the books. The problem is, when you put something like that into a movie... all her hopes of Edward turned into Robert. And she will forever be disappointed when no man will ever meet that standard for her. She is too young to even fathom that her future won't/can't consist of Robert Pattinson. I know they are feeling it, because I started to question my husband. I began to set a standard that was ridiculous and I needed to take a giant step out of the fantasy and back into reality where my husband meets expectations for an amazing husband and then some. And it isn't just Robert or Taylor, but any movie that portrays a love story. This stuff is bad for women!

Like I said, now that I have gone through this craziness, I feel better about watching a romance movie, and knowing it is fake. I can separate myself from the fiction, and get back to reality. I hope the mania calms down, but there are still two movies to go, and I know it will be crazy. I just need to keep these thoughts in mind, and hope mom's tell their daughters it is fake, and for the mom's to remember it is too!

1 Response to "Harry Potter/Twilight"

Anonymous Says:

I know exactly what you mean! I'll probably go see the movie in the afternoon when all the crazy girls are in school! And as much as I love the books, I think the movies make it WAY TOO MUCH about sex appeal (especially considering the target audience) rather than the book's theme of self-sacrificing love. I'd never let my young daughter read them either! Forks High school students or not, I think the content is more mature than that age group - not good for impressionable girls. Wish we could go see the movie together! Thanks to you, I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan now too!