Ahh Labor...

Posted by Amber , Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Wednesday, January 20, 2010

As I sit here watching Noah recreate the movie Cars on our dining room table, I start thinking about how exciting it is going to be with a little infant here with us. I continue to have mixed feelings about the arrival of Ezra. Sometimes I am ready for her to be here now, and other times I think... another three months isn't that far away and EVERYTHING is going to change once she's here.

I am beginning the scary journey of mentally preparing for labor again! I got the old Bradley Method book out, and I am reading about the lovely pleasures of my baby moving her way down and making her presentation into the world. "The pain is good" they keep reminding me... "It just means she is closer and closer to being here!" I completely trust and believe this process is true. If not, I wouldn't have made it through Noah's labor!

This time around is VERY different! For one, I know exactly what it is going to feel like! So I can't just pretend that maybe, miraculously it will be entirely pain-free like I hoped for with Noah. Secondly, chances are that it is going to be faster than Noah's birth. SWEET! However, discussing this with a woman that is going on her third all natural delivery, I can't help but worry now since I see that even after having two, she still stresses about the labor.

I have started the process of pondering all of this in the middle of the night when I can't sleep... not so good. BUT I am starting to think about it again, and preparing myself for it. No use in waiting for labor and hope it goes well. Labor takes a lot of mental preparation! So I read about First Stage Labor yesterday... and I CAN do it. I will use my relaxation techniques and keep myself under control. Ben is an amazing coach, and now that we both know what it is going to be like, we can make improvements to our birth plan and it will be SO sweet when she does arrive.

Here is our little Noah right after his birth... there is nothing sweeter in life!

Next post... my fears on having a hospital birth after the home birth.

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