Noah had his 12 month check-up this week. He is healthy! He weighs 21 lbs. and is 31 in. long. They predict him to be a tall/thin adult. The only sad news is that Noah has allergies. His nose has been running non-stop for over a week now and I thought it was a cold. The doctor can tell by his eyes that he is suffering from some allergy and when I mentioned his running nose she said that was it. I feel terrible. It is awful to feel congested, but he doesn't know how to sniff yet, so he is constantly having his nose wiped. It hurts him so bad now because it is so raw. We are trying a homeopathic allergy medicine along with giving him some honey once a day. We will see if it gets better. I am thankful we haven't noticed asthma so far. Other than that, she said he looks great and he has graduated from the baby phase. He got to pick out a toy from the toy chest this time! That's exciting!