Trying to workout!

Posted by Amber , Thursday, April 24, 2008 Thursday, April 24, 2008

Noah and Amber at the park
Originally uploaded by benrasmusen
Does anyone ever have a hard time staying in shape?! My whole life I was super small. I never worried about my weight. I ate whatever I wanted, didn't work out, and I wouldn't gain a pound. I was only 110 lbs when I got married! Well, after a year or so of marriage, something happened and my body began to change. I still felt ok, but I found myself stressing about my stomach bulging over my pants. I never changed what I was eating, but I started riding my bike and trying to get some physical activity in. Well... then I got pregnant, and I just let go. I figured I was pregnant, I am allowed to gain weight. Right? I thought it would be easy to lose. Well I gained 60 lbs!! That is more than double what the doctors want you to gain. After I had Noah, I lost 40 lbs right away. 20 still to go. Since that big weight loss, I have dropped an additional 5 lbs and it was hard. The fat just loves me! Or I love ice cream and soda too much. So here I am right now, with a one year postpartum body and 15 lbs still to take off. I have realized now that it won't be easy and I need to work hard to lose the weight. I got the workout clothes, the jogging stroller, and the iPod but haven't worked out yet! :) I guess I have a start, I am going on speed walks and trying to do an at home aerobics video to get my body into shape again. I am motivated to start jogging. I just needed to vent about my workout and weight gain issues. Geez, it's hard to juggle all this! I hope I didn't scare anyone off :) I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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