Well, just as I feared, Noah ended up with walking pneumonia. His allergies are awful! So what started as a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing and congestion has turned into pneumonia. He isn't bed ridden or anything, but he is stuck at home all weekend attached to an oxygen tank. His blood oxygen levels were down to 88 without oxygen and his right side lung or tubes were completely closed off. He wasn't breathing well. Until we get the stuff out of there, or his blood oxygen level is up to 95, we need to keep him on oxygen. He also has an ear infection which is being treated with an antibiotic. We have started him on some baby allergy medicine to help those symptoms, and he is having to do neb treatments every four hours, 24 hours a day until he starts getting it out. To top off the awful experience at the doctor, he needed a steroid shot! Noah hasn't been vaccinated, so this was the very first shot Noah has had his whole life. I have never felt more terrible than that moment, when my child is sitting helpless in my arms and I let someone hurt him. I was crying and so emotional about the entire experience. Our only concern now, is how do we keep this from happening again... when his allergies act up again? We appreciate all your prayers and know the Lord will take Noah is His arms and protect him. Where would I be if I didn't know the Lord and his comfort and strength in these hard times. What an amazing Father! (Here, in the photo is Noah with a lollipop to comfort him after he was tormented.)
I got Noah to perform a couple times this past week for me. Lately it has been harder than ever to get him to just sit still and let me get some video of him. So I got him making car sounds with his toy and I also got him dancing away. It is so funny to watch him do this stuff. He gets so into it. I am hoping to get him spinning around next. That one is too funny. I hope you all enjoy!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers. Here is a shot of me and my baby boy!
I know this seems silly, but I thought I needed to document this momentous occasion. Ben gave Noah the cute little newborn baths and a couple 3 month old baths, but he hasn't given Noah a bath.... not kidding here.... for probably 9 months or better! He claims he didn't ever want to give him baths because the tub is in my parents room and he thinks it is weird that he is in their room. Fair enough... I guess. Sometimes, I am just not in the mood to bathe him though, and it drove me nuts when Ben would say he didn't really want to. Thinking to myself 'I give him a bath every night and you haven't in how long?'. Anyway, yesterday was Mother's Day and Ben treated me so wonderfully. He helped me with Noah the whole day. (Noah was super cranky yesterday too.) He gave him breakfast, lunch and dinner. He changed poopy diapers, let me take a nap and he GAVE HIM A BATH! Now he set high expectations for future Mother's Day's. Thank you so much Ben for being so special and giving me such a wonderful day of rest and relaxation.
We are beginning to sell all of our stuff! Obviously we aren't able to take many things with us because it would be cheaper to buy out there than pay to have it moved. We posted a handful of items on good old craigslist.org and within 4 hours we had calls and emails on almost all of them. We sold our car in only 4 hours!! I am sad to say goodbye to my Jetta. I have had that car since I have been able to drive. We sold our couch and chair and our glider and ottoman. We have a call on our dining room table and on Ben's truck. Before we know it, we aren't going to own anything. It won't be that bad, but it feels like it. I am holding onto some items that I just can't part with. My parents offered to keep some of that in storage for us. We are planning on having a garage sale the beginning of June to get rid of the last minute things we can't take. I will keep everyone updated on any new news about our move!

As most of you know, we have had a difficult time deciding where we want to live. After back and forth between Oregon and California, we decided on Hawaii! I know it seems like a crazy choice, but it fit both of our needs and wants. We found a place that works climate wise for me and a place that Ben will also enjoy. We are thrilled, but so nervous at the same time. We just bought our one way plane tickets! We leave June 24th. We ask for your prayers as we jump into this new adventure. Now we have to plan everything! Sell almost everything and start fresh.