Selling everything!!

Posted by Amber , Saturday, May 10, 2008 Saturday, May 10, 2008

We are beginning to sell all of our stuff! Obviously we aren't able to take many things with us because it would be cheaper to buy out there than pay to have it moved. We posted a handful of items on good old and within 4 hours we had calls and emails on almost all of them. We sold our car in only 4 hours!! I am sad to say goodbye to my Jetta. I have had that car since I have been able to drive. We sold our couch and chair and our glider and ottoman. We have a call on our dining room table and on Ben's truck. Before we know it, we aren't going to own anything. It won't be that bad, but it feels like it. I am holding onto some items that I just can't part with. My parents offered to keep some of that in storage for us. We are planning on having a garage sale the beginning of June to get rid of the last minute things we can't take. I will keep everyone updated on any new news about our move!

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