I know this seems silly, but I thought I needed to document this momentous occasion. Ben gave Noah the cute little newborn baths and a couple 3 month old baths, but he hasn't given Noah a bath.... not kidding here.... for probably 9 months or better! He claims he didn't ever want to give him baths because the tub is in my parents room and he thinks it is weird that he is in their room. Fair enough... I guess. Sometimes, I am just not in the mood to bathe him though, and it drove me nuts when Ben would say he didn't really want to. Thinking to myself 'I give him a bath every night and you haven't in how long?'. Anyway, yesterday was Mother's Day and Ben treated me so wonderfully. He helped me with Noah the whole day. (Noah was super cranky yesterday too.) He gave him breakfast, lunch and dinner. He changed poopy diapers, let me take a nap and he GAVE HIM A BATH! Now he set high expectations for future Mother's Day's. Thank you so much Ben for being so special and giving me such a wonderful day of rest and relaxation.