Let's just say I am an... enthusiastic Bronco Fan!

Posted by Amber , Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For those of you who don't know, now you know. I am an enthusiastic Bronco fan... alright alright, I am a maniac!

I only got to see the last quarter of the Broncos most recent game and let me tell you I was freaking out!!

Please check out The Havel's Blog for my... enthusiastic reactions near the very end of that game.

I wish I could watch all of them. Alas, I can only see a few. Who knows, it might be better for me to just talk with my family 3-4 times instead of watching them. As you can see, it stresses me out just a bit.

I just thought it was kind of funny. Make sure to go into her photo stream as well... there are more embarrassing photos where this one comes from.


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