Videos, videos and more videos...
Posted by Amber , Friday, September 26, 2008 Friday, September 26, 2008
I have been trying to get everything on video so that all our friends and family can see what Noah is up to. Here are the most recent crazy and funny things Noah has been doing...
Flips: Noah learned to do somersault's from his friend Eden I believe... he just randomly did it and Ben said "Amber, Noah just did a somersault." So here it is!
Flips so soon?! from Amber Rasmusen on Vimeo.
The Hop: Has anyone seen Saved By The Bell? Well, this reminds me of the episode when Lisa sprained her ankle and has to try to dance and Screech helps her... they call her dance "The Sprain"... well if you haven't seen it, it looked a bit like this video does. It is hilarious!!
The Hop! from Amber Rasmusen on Vimeo.
Singing/Dancing: What can I say... he enjoys clapping and dancing and I love watching him do it! He brings so much joy to me to see that he is having a good time.
Noah Dancing from Amber Rasmusen on Vimeo.
I have more... I just haven't gotten them off of the camera yet. I will post more when I get around to it. For now, I hope you all enjoy watching our sweet baby having fun!