This past week Noah has had a rough time with balance and has multiple face injuries to prove it!
It started with him falling off the stairs. He does this fairly often, but usually ends up fine. This time he fell right into the baby gate and got a pretty big gash in his lower lip. It took a while to heal because he wouldn't stop biting at it.
The following day we were playing outside, and he was running around the grass and the stairs. He was doing just fine. All of a sudden he tried to walk up one stair and missed his step which left him with the bruise/scratch on his left eyebrow, along with two more scratches down the left side of his face.
Today he was in the nursery at church, and when I picked him up he had the big red lump right in the middle of his forehead! Probably rug burn from running and biffing it!
Poor little man! How do you keep a two year old boy from getting injuries if that kid is bound and determined to constantly run at full speed, and challenge himself with things that are way above his age level?

Does anyone ever go through internet boredom? Sometimes I get so frustrated surfing the internet! I usually get on my computer after Noah has eaten his breakfast, and I can usually spend a good amount of time doing my routine.
My routine consists of checking email and rss feeds, checking good ol' Facebook, a couple of sites I am too embarrassed to talk about (don't say a word BEN!), and lastly Flickr. Now I know if Ben or Ryan are reading this they are probably thinking... "Is that ALL you do on the internet?!" For the most part... yes! I only have 11 rss feeds, of which only about 7 update, and I rarely get emails!
So if that keeps me busy for a while, I usually stop there, read a book, or play with Noah and get back on a little later. If it only takes me a couple minutes to get through my routine, I will usually hit up Craigslist, check the bank account, hop on Chat, or just sit there trying to think of something to search.
When I currently don't have anything I am reading, I usually start getting super bored. I try to occupy my time with the internet... so I will hit up YouTube, Hulu, or I start online shopping! All of this is just to pacify me... I don't plan on buying anything, and I rarely watch a show all the way through.
By the time... oh let's say 10 minutes goes by, I am ready to pull out my hair. I close the computer and just sit there... trying to think of something to do. Then when I am bored sitting, I will get back on hoping that something cool has happened during my away time, and usually I end up disappointed. I carry on this frustrating pattern ALL day! How lame!
So here is what needs to happen... I need you all to post to your blogs more often so I have interesting stuff to read and do everytime I get online. Sound good? :)
I hope you all have a nice day. Thanks for listening to my rant about online boredom.

I was hospitalized for the first time in my life yesterday. (Okay, not the first time, but I was only 5 the last time and I hardly remember anything.) It was outpatient surgery, so I was in and out in about 4 hours. Even though the circumstances weren't very nice, (how often are they ever nice though?) I am proud to say I have experienced and gone through a successful surgery.
Ben and I got there and checked in, and almost immediately the nurse called me back for preparations. I answered some questions about medical history and allergies to anything. The anesthesiologist walked me through everything that was going to happen on his end. I wasn't too thrilled about the tube down my throat, but it would all go down while I was under... wouldn't even know it was there! Then I had to change into the gown and lay down on the bed! I was pretty nervous the entire time... sweaty palms and shaking. The next nurse came in and put my iv in. I have never had an iv. I really didn't like that part! The next thing I know, I am saying goodbye to Ben and they are wheelin' me to the O.R. By the time I am in the O.R., I am really panicking... they got me on the operating table and within seconds my anesthesia is going... the next thing I remember I was waking up in the recovery room. The pain was about a 5-6 on the pain scale, so they gave me something for that through the iv. I had two shots in my arm, blood drawn, an iv, anesthesia, plus the actual surgery. There was a lot that went down during that very short amount of time I was there.
They wheeled me back to a room that Ben could come in. I had to eat, drink, and use the restroom before I was allowed to leave. I had that done in no time. Ben and I were discussing how neither of us have experienced anything like this in our lives. You always see stuff like this in movies, but the actual experience is crazy! So now I have done it!
Ben and I learned yesterday that our baby stopped growing at about 6 weeks. They were also unable to find a heartbeat. Sorry to give such terrible news. I know we told a lot of people that we were expecting, so we wanted to let everyone know the easiest way.
This has really shown us how truly blessed we are to have one amazingly healthy little boy. Children are such miracles. Noah is doing great. He is talking all the time, and exploring anything new to his little eyes. We are so proud of him!
We love and care about you all!