Incredibly bored!

Posted by Amber , Thursday, January 15, 2009 Thursday, January 15, 2009

Does anyone ever go through internet boredom? Sometimes I get so frustrated surfing the internet! I usually get on my computer after Noah has eaten his breakfast, and I can usually spend a good amount of time doing my routine.

My routine consists of checking email and rss feeds, checking good ol' Facebook, a couple of sites I am too embarrassed to talk about (don't say a word BEN!), and lastly Flickr. Now I know if Ben or Ryan are reading this they are probably thinking... "Is that ALL you do on the internet?!" For the most part... yes! I only have 11 rss feeds, of which only about 7 update, and I rarely get emails!

So if that keeps me busy for a while, I usually stop there, read a book, or play with Noah and get back on a little later. If it only takes me a couple minutes to get through my routine, I will usually hit up Craigslist, check the bank account, hop on Chat, or just sit there trying to think of something to search.

When I currently don't have anything I am reading, I usually start getting super bored. I try to occupy my time with the internet... so I will hit up YouTube, Hulu, or I start online shopping! All of this is just to pacify me... I don't plan on buying anything, and I rarely watch a show all the way through.

By the time... oh let's say 10 minutes goes by, I am ready to pull out my hair. I close the computer and just sit there... trying to think of something to do. Then when I am bored sitting, I will get back on hoping that something cool has happened during my away time, and usually I end up disappointed. I carry on this frustrating pattern ALL day! How lame!

So here is what needs to happen... I need you all to post to your blogs more often so I have interesting stuff to read and do everytime I get online. Sound good? :)

I hope you all have a nice day. Thanks for listening to my rant about online boredom.

2 Response to "Incredibly bored!"

The Havels Says:

You're too funny amber. I sometimes feel the same way. Being 3 hours behind the people I most communicate with, I wake up to hoards of emails some days. I love being to go through all that stuff before the kids wake up, and check things throughout the day. But yes, I am sometimes very disappointed with the internet. I will usually search things on photography or whatnot, or edit photos. So I have a way out. What you and I should do, is devote that time to the Lord, right. Ouch! Guilty. :)

annie Says:

Do you need some more blogs to read? I can send you some links. HA! I love hulu, it has gotten me through many nights of Josh being at work!